Introducing Integra Connect, Your Platform for Value-Based Specialty Care

February 20, 2017

The ever-changing health care landscape has providers, payers, and administrators in a whirlwind of confusion. MIPS, MACRA, OCM, APM – the list goes on. The administrative, operational, and technological burdens of new payment models and government regulations are a distraction for providers. CMS is driving a fundamental redesign on healthcare in the U.S., with profound implications. Accountability and risk for populations is shifting to providers. There is a mandate to a data-driven healthcare ecosystem, based on quality, evidence, cost and satisfaction. While this is all overwhelming, providers are still tasked with delivering the best possible care for their patients. It is with these things in mind that Integra Connect was established.

Integra Connect Helps Specialty Providers Succeed with Value-Based Care.

Integra Connect is a purpose-built company that enables specialty providers to be successful in the new era of value-based care. The success of specialty providers translates to better outcomes for patients, and that’s what we – the healthcare professionals of the world – are most passionate about.

What exactly does Integra Connect do? At a high level, we combine leading edge technology with best-in-class services to build value-based care solutions that streamline and enable specialty providers to navigate the waters of the shifting health care environment. From specialty-specific EHRs to population health analytics and revenue cycle management, Integra Connect develops customized solutions that help specialists to be nimbler and more efficient and effective.

Integra Connect for Specialty Population Health Management.

We have brought together the some of the brightest minds in health care technology, population health management, commercial payer, community practice, and Integra PrecisionQ to form a truly special organization. It is our mission to help specialists in delivering value-based care to populations with complex chronic conditions through our cloud-based business and services platform for specialty population health management.

As we continue down the path of change, I ask that you take some time to discover Integra Connect’s unique solutions. Let’s work together to improve healthcare for the right reason, our patients. I look forward to taking this journey with you.

Best Regards,
Charles Saunders, MD
CEO Integra Connect